What is a Paleo Diet – interested in eating a little more paleo? This is a great place to start!

Learn where to start, resources and try some fun new paleo recipes!
(This is informational ONLY. If you are considering a paleo diet please discuss with your doctor or a dietitian)
Have you been thinking about trying a Paleo diet? If so, you have come to the right place!
What is a Paleo diet (also known as the “caveman” diet)
This diet tries to mimic what humans ate during the Paleolithic era so you would eat the type of foods that our ancestors might have hunted, fished, and gathered. This would also mean that you would avoid foods that were common once farming began. You would drink a lot of water and strive to be active everyday. This diet doesn’t have a specific meal plan. It mainly focuses on local, organic, non-GMO foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, plus fish and grass-fed beef.
What foods ARE allowed on a Paleo diet
Local, organic, non-GMO foods like:
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Fish
- Grass-fed beef
- Eggs
- Coconut oil
- Avocado
- Olives
- Sweet potatoes
- Small amounts of honey
These foods should be fresh rather than frozen or canned.
What foods ARE NOT allowed on a Paleo diet
- Dairy products
- Cereal grains like wheat and oats
- Potatoes
- Legumes like beans, peanuts, and peas
- Refined sugar
- Salt
- Highly processed foods
What are some benefits you might see when following a Paleo diet
Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables is always good for you – lots of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It can lower your chance of getting heart disease, including heart attack and stroke. Getting more vitamin A, C, and E will also help to boost your immune system and may help prevent cancer and other diseases.
The Whole30 effect – some people find that they feel better eating a paleo diet after doing a round of whole30, since they are fairly similar in regards to eating real, whole foods.
Resource: (WEBMD) – https://www.webmd.com/rheumatoid-arthritis/paleo-autoimmune-protocol
Here are a few Paleo reader favorites
- Easy Short Rib Ragu
- Paleo Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
- Slow Cooker Classic Chili
- Healthy Chicken Salad
- Berry Crisp
Interested in following a Paleo diet: tips on starting
- Learn ALL the foods that are allowed and not allowed
- Learn about what ingredients are in your packaged foods
- Track how you are feeling
- Talk to a doctor or dietitian
- Start experimenting with new recipes! Here are a few we love:
Interested in other ways of eating

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